Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Debbie Bliss sweater is DONE!

Actually, it's been done since Sunday. Brad was sort of helpful in entertaining the girls while I finished seaming the sides (but not really). "Olivia, leave your mother alone so she finishes the sweater before you outgrow it." That's as far as his help went, really. I don't think she's going to outgrow it soon, it actually seems quite big. I haven't taken any action shots as she was mostly on-the-go today and usually crawling on all fours, barking. I don't put sweaters on dogs. I guess they eat t-bones, though (she keeps asking for "cheese bones" - I can only guess that she means t-bones?). I didn't get a chance to get it washed and blocked until yesterday. I still can't get some of the garter stitch border to lay flat, but oh well.

Here is a quick little sneak peak....oh, I guess I lied! I DO put sweaters on dogs! This cute little one just jumped in the picture. I thought her color looked nice with the sweater. More pictures to come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on completing a project that was a challenge for you. I love the yarn and the color. Grandma Mar