Saturday, August 25, 2007

A terrible attack of the gauge monster

I am very angry with some of my knitting right now. It isn't listening. It hasn't done what it was specifically meant to do. I wonder if a time-out on the stairs would help. It doesn't often work for Olivia...seems doubtful it would have much effect on some yarn.

Here's what I'm working off-white/natural Debbie Bliss baby cashmerino.

I probably liked the pattern because of the adorable redhead curly-haired baby. Plus, it seems like it would be something Olivia would wear a lot over dressy clothes. So, I've invested 2 months' time into knitting 5 pieces. Yes, it's in 5 pieces. Now I need to sew them up. Do I know how to do that? Nope, not really. But, I try, because I'm really excited to have this sweater finished.

First, the directions tell you to join the shoulder seams. 17 CO sts from the back piece joined to 17 sts on each of the front pieces. It seems that while I started out on the back with perfect gauge....somehow while the scenery of lovely, deserted Wyoming was passing knitting got very loose. It's not even close. They don't match up at ALL! :(

I'm afraid the same thing will happen when I attempt to sew the sleeves on...I might as well admit defeat already and just frog the sleeves. But it's so much work to knit with that teeny, tiny yarn! I don't understand how people knit lace. Or socks. Insane, they must be. Too many stitches. And then my coworker says that sleeves never really sew on right any, and seams don't always lay flat as a general rule. :P

So, the moral of the story is ~ always knit sweaters in the round. Seems quite obvious to me. Something that will end up as circular garment should just be knit that way!

So, I've cast on another pair of pants for Evelyn, this time with nice squishy bulky Stallion merino from Dashing Dachs. A very, very hard to get yarn and the colors are very fall-ish and pretty. Plus, it's going very quickly ~ less than 4 sts/inch! Woohoo for bulkier yarn! :D I'll probably start another hat this weekend too. Or a scarf. One can never have too many projects on the needles, you know...unless you start to run out of needles of course.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Finally another blog post

Hey, in my defense - I tried to post yesterday,
but Blogspot was doing temporary maintenance or something annoying like that. I haven't been doing nearly as much knitting lately because it seems as though I have been working all the time. It's really good for the yarn-buying budget....not so good for the knitting time, not to mention time spent with my girls and that stupid housework that needs to be done all the time.

So, here are Evelyn's first pair of longies (aka wool pants) knit from Zen String Bliss wool (100% BFL) aran weight. The stuff is so heavenly soft and the colors are very pretty. I wasn't too crazy about the bright yellow trim color at first....but I think it's growing on me.

Here's a few adorable action shots, courtesy of Grandma's camera!